Detective Professional investigations, full confidentiality Learn more About us Debt Collection Effectively recover your debts Learn more About us Business intelligence Know the risks, act with confidence Learn more About us About us Never say never Learn more
   Trust that builds efficiency   |   Professionalism and experience   |    Debt collection and detective services - your security   |   Solutions tailored to your needs    |    Recover what you deserve   |   Check the credibility of your contractor    |    Your debt collection law firm   |   We have been operating nationwide since 2011   | Translated with (free version) 


Debt Collection

Business intelligence

Why choose us?

Nationwide coverage
Our law firm handles cases in every location in Poland. With an extensive network of field debt collectors and private licensed investigators, we are able to respond. Thousands of successfully completed cases
Experience and efficiency
For more than a decade, we have been helping our clients recover debts and resolve difficult debt collection cases
Individual approach to the customer
Every case is different, so we take an individual approach to each client. Before we take any action, we carefully analyze the situation and propose solutions best suited to the client's needs. = the facts of the case
Field debt collection
We focus on field debt collection, i.e. face-to-face visits to debtors' residential or business addresses.

Our Partners

What do we do?

Detective and Debt Collection Agency MS Michał Starzyński is a nationwide entity established in 2011 in Lublin. Our activities are based on two pillars: debt collection and detective services. Years of experience, thousands of handled cases, and a team of experts guarantee the highest quality of services provided. Our offices are located in Lublin and Warsaw. We operate throughout Poland and most European countries.

Our agency comprehensively handles the process of recovering debts from debtors. A professional team and specific know-how allow us to focus on field (hard) debt collection, i.e., direct visits to the debtor’s place of residence or business. The goal of debt collection is to negotiate with the debtor, make them aware of their legal situation, and reach an agreement with the creditor, ultimately resulting in debt repayment. All actions comply with applicable laws. Within our structure, we have a large team of experienced field collectors, enabling us to effectively conduct operations across the country.

Additionally, within our scope of activities, licensed detectives carry out investigative tasks and conduct what is known as business intelligence. The purpose of this is to legally obtain information about the investigated entity. This primarily involves determining the entity’s assets and any assets that may have been disposed of, which is significant in the context of Paulian claims. Such intelligence aims to assess the feasibility of cooperation with the investigated entity and evaluate their business credibility, payment morality, and personal connections with other entities. In addition to asset determinations, a key role of detectives is surveillance, aimed at gathering information that serves as evidence used by both collectors and lawyers during proceedings. In terms of detective services, we operate not only throughout Poland but also in Europe.

Our team also includes attorneys and legal advisors who, if necessary, conduct court proceedings and handle criminal cases.

The cases we handle involve all types of financial claims in creditor-debtor relationships. These may include unpaid invoices, private loans, embezzled funds, alimony, rental disputes, refunds of deposits and down payments from contractors, compensation claims, leasing, bank loans, overdue wages, warranties, guarantee deposits, or cases related to non-performance/improper performance of services. Additionally, during detective operations, we frequently deal with locating misappropriated items (mainly vehicles), updating debtor and wanted persons’ addresses, as well as gathering evidence of infidelity in divorce cases.

Our clients include both large business entities and ordinary individuals struggling with unpaid debts from their debtors or needing investigative evidence for various matters.

Since 2021, we have had the honor of being the main sponsor of the Lublin Taekwon-do Sports Club (LSKT).

We are a member of the Polish Association of Debt Management (PZZW), which brings together key companies in the debt collection industry, as well as the Polish Association of Licensed Detectives (PSLD), which unites experienced detectives acting in compliance with the law and professional ethics.

Our standing has enabled us to become a member of the International Federation of Associations of Private Detectives (IKD). This federation was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in Vienna. It currently includes detectives from over 21 countries, providing us with opportunities for experience exchange and international cooperation on cross-border cases.

We invite you to collaborate with us.

Jestem pełna podziwu dla zaangażowania Pana Michała w sprawę. Polecam w 100%. Jeżeli ktoś zastanawia się nad wyborem- nie warto. Opis sprawy jest jasny, szczery. Pan Michał poświęca tyle czasu na rozmowę ile potrzeba. Polecam!
Podejście Pana Michała do każdej sprawy jest rzetelne i sumienne. Jego wszechstronność i gotowość do udzielania porad są nieocenione. Serdecznie polecam tę kancelarię.
Firma godna polecenia. Pełen profesjonalizm pod względem windykacyjnym ,skuteczność w działaniu. Udało się odzyskać dług w bardzo krótkim czasie. Dziękujemy i Polecamy!
Miła, kompetentna i pełna profesjonalizmu obsługa.
Miła, kompetentna i pełna profesjonalizmu obsługa.
Serdecznie polecam Pana Michała Starzyńskiego, po 9 latach walki z Sądami, Komornikami itp. dłużnik nie był skłonny, aby spłacić swój dług. Po zgłoszeniu sprawy do Pana Michała Starzyńskiego, dłużnik zobowiązał się co miesiąc w ratach spłacać swój dług. Z całego serca polecam.
Współpraca przebiegła pomyślnie, profesjonalne podejście do sprawy, polecam.
Kancelaria bardzo mi pomogła. Znaleźli dłużnika i wyegzekwowali pieniądze. Bardzo polecam!
Polecam współpracę z kancelarią a przede wszystkim z Panem Michałem Starzyńskim. Bardzo miła obsługa, fachowe doradztwo. Pan Michał poświęcał mi dużo czasu odpowiadając na liczne pytania. Dzięki swojemu dużemu doświadczeniu wiedział jak postępować w mojej sprawie. Pełen profesjonalizm.
Absolutnie profesjonalizm w każdym calu. Odzyskałem należność błyskawicznie bez monitowania dłużnika w nieskończoność i ponoszenia dodatkowych kosztów na telefony i upraszanie się o zwrot pieniędzy.
Polecam krótko i na temat nie ma owijania w bawełnę Pan Michał robi co może przedstawia fakty daje czas do namysłu i klient podejmuje decyzje co dalej .Polecam tą kancelarie.
Świetna kancelaria, dzięki Panu Michałowi udało mi się odzyskać pieniądze wyłudzone przez spółke. Polecam
Polecam wszystkim którzy mają problemy z odzyskaniem pieniędzy od dłużnika. Bardzo dobry kontakt. Wszystkie działania na bieżąco ustalane. Sprawnie odzyskane pieniądze.
Detective office made for us economic intelligence to debtor on Hungary. We got knowledge about trade debtor, we got debts back. We will use of service Mr.Michal detective office in future! Biuro detektywistyczne wykonało dla nas wywiad gospodarczy dla dłużnika na Węgrzech, uzyskaliśmy wiedzę o dłużniku handlowym, odzyskaliśmy należności. Będziemy korzystać z usług biura detektywistycznego Pana Michała w przyszłości!
F. P
Panie Michale świetna akcja przeprowadzona na Teneryfie i Cyprze , bardzo mi to pomoże w toku sprawy Rozwodowej !! Polecam wszystkim to biuro Detektywistyczne !!
Jestem pełna podziwu dla wykonanej pracy. Wydawało mi się, że przeterminowane faktury są nie do odzyskania, a zostały sprawnie opłacone. Bardzo polecam współpracę
Serdecznie polecam. Szybka, profesjonalna obsługa zakończona sukcesem.
Official sponsor of LSKT

Lublin Sports Taekwon-do Club