Debt collection

Effective debt recovery

Amicable and field debt collection

In the first instance, we focus on an amicable solution to our Creditor’s case, i.e. email and telephone debt collection. In the event of resistance on the part of the debtor, our Law Firm undertakes fieldwork, i.e. direct visits to the debtor. Face to face’ contact allows us to better communicate with the debtor and lead to the repayment of debt, as well as realistically assess his financial capabilities and assets.

Judicial collection

If amicable and field collection is unsuccessful, we contact the creditor to determine the sense of further action. The role of debt recovery is not only to recover the debt, but also to realistically assess the chances of enforcing the debt by way of bailiff enforcement. Simply obtaining a judgment nowadays does not guarantee enforcement.

Legal support and advice

In addition to our debt collection activities, we also offer our clients comprehensive legal support from our lawyers and solicitors, whose role is, among other things, to assess the legitimacy of a lawsuit for payment, representation in court or the filing of notices to the public prosecutor’s office on suspicion of various crimes committed by debtors.

Why trust us?

High Effectiveness and Individual Approach

Our actions are characterized by high effectiveness in enforcing claims, as evidenced by numerous successfully resolved cases. We are not a mass institution serving thousands of creditors. Every case is treated individually, tailoring our actions to the specific debtor and their situation. This approach enables us to achieve results that often exceed standard debt collection methods.


Our actions comply with legal regulations, ensuring that you, as our clients, will not be held liable either civilly or criminally as a result of our efforts.

Quick Response and Effective Field Operations

Our team includes several field debt collectors, lawyers, and detectives. Our presence in the field allows for direct contact with debtors, which often yields better results than phone or written communication. This enables us to effectively motivate debtors to repay their debts.

How We Operate

  1. Case Analysis – At the initial stage, we thoroughly analyze the documents provided by the client. This includes verifying the debtor’s legal situation, legal form, and any potential bankruptcy or restructuring.

  2. Amicable Actions – We strive to resolve the matter amicably in the first instance, saving time and avoiding additional costs.

  3. Field Operations – If amicable solutions prove ineffective, we undertake field operations, conducting on-site activities with the debtor.

  4. Legal or Criminal Proceedings – After unsuccessful field debt collection, we consult with the creditor to decide on further civil or criminal actions.

  5. Reporting – We keep the creditor informed of the case’s progress and provide all key information related to debt recovery.

By working with us, you can recover your money.
Please remember that time plays against you. Time is money – your money.
We look forward to working with you.