About me

Founder and Creator of the Firm – Michał Starzyński

A lawyer, field debt collector, and detective in one person.

Born in Lublin, Michał Starzyński completed his law degree at UMCS in Lublin in 2012.

In 2011, he established the MS Michał Starzyński Debt Collection Firm, which he transformed into the MS Michał Starzyński Detective and Debt Collection Agency in 2022.

From 2012 to 2014, he completed a bailiff apprenticeship organized by the Chamber of Bailiffs Council in Lublin, culminating in passing the professional exam for a bailiff assessor.

For over five years, he worked as a bailiff apprentice and assessor in two Lublin-based bailiff offices. His expertise included the enforcement of movable property from debtors and handling proceedings related to the enforcement of court-imposed fines.

In his negotiation career, Michał Starzyński has dealt with field debt collection in various creditor-debtor relationships, including business-to-business (B2B) cases, bank and telecommunications debts, mortgages, private loans, rental claims, alimony, transfer of ownership for security purposes, refund of deposits and advance payments from contractors, overdue wages, fraudulent claims, leasing agreements, and many other situations where a creditor-debtor relationship exists.

The combination of legal expertise, bailiff experience, and detective acumen has made him recognized and respected among debt collection market professionals and clients alike. This has resulted in numerous invitations to conferences and media appearances as an expert in debt recovery from debtors.

In overseeing his team’s activities, he ensures compliance with legal requirements and the highest ethical standards in the debt recovery process, while also focusing on improving relationships during negotiations between creditors and debtors.

Since 2022, he has been a licensed private detective, registered with the Ministry of Interior and Administration (MSWiA) for detective services under registration number RD-19/2022.

As of August 2022, he serves as the Vice President of the Intelligence Agency at the Bureau of Court Expertise Sp. z o.o.

Michał Starzyński is a true field negotiator by vocation, not by necessity.

A passionate Taekwondo practitioner, his enthusiasm led him to become the main sponsor of the Lublin Taekwondo Sports Club (LSKT).

He is proficient in English.

Detective work brings knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power is the argument of a field debt collector.